
Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Lately raaaaamaii sgt orang tanya Ina,

“Ina, apa effect pakai Premium Beautiful (PB) corset ni?

Hmmm… betul2 ke berkesan pakai PB ni?? I dgr macam2 testimony dah.. sounds too good to be true.. mcm tak pcaya jeee”

“Eh....Apesal harga PB ni mahal sangat?? I beli yg Tr**mph ke, Av*n ke,W*coal ke.. laaagiiii murahhhh…”

"Cop.. pesal u kata every woman HARUSS ada satu? I ni dah kurus, so tak perlu dah slimming2 ni.. so nape I nak pakai??”

Haaa… itu soalan2 biasa yg orang tanya, and Ina pun admit.. dulu mula2 pun Ina bertanya soalan yang sama.. "buat ape aku nak pakai, bukan gemuk sgt", "xkan la corset ni bagus sgt smpai harga riban2"...coz tak caya yang PB ni boleh solve a lot of my problems.. yelaa.. CORSET je punnn.. benda yang sangat simple, yang 
honestly I underestimate PB masa mula2 nak pakai dulu..and bukan stakat underestimate the product, but the biz as well..... (now dah jilat ludah sendiri...hehehe)

But after 10 months my sister keep on promoting it to me and said that it can reduce and more amazingly boleh hilangkn migrain terus...and she even guaranteed that PB ni sangat comfy and boleh pastikan badan Ina yg sememangnya taklah berapa besar ni...tapi boleh maintain slimm selaIu…

Now it has been almost 6 months since Ina pakai and dah introduced to family and friends, and all I have to say is,“ALHAMDULILLAH… BERSYUKUR sangat2 kerana dibukakan hati Ina untuk beli, pakai and now join d biz!!"

You know why? Okay, let me first share my sis experience yaa… and apa yg Ina view dgn mata sendiri..

1) Her waist dah reduce 13 inci!! And weight pun dah turun from 100kg to 79kg!! 
mmg laa...she is still a big person...but heyy, turun 21kgs withouth DIETTT okayyhhh!!!!

And walau pun badan dia still besar, tp dah sgt2 curvy now.. ala ala Queen Latifah gituuu hahaha.. but seriously, if you guyspegang badan dia, u can feel how firm and tegap her body is.. tidak lagi menggeleberrrr… so for those yg dah lose weight pun, boleh pakai PB to firm up those flabs… alternative to PB?? Plastic surgery hohohooo… takuttt…

2) Her stretch marks yang time pregnant naik sampai 30 kg (serious kak liza besar giler time tuh sampai org ingat die pregnant kembar huhu...kak liza jgn marah haaaaa) tu dah mostly gone!! Imagine laa.. daripada berlingkar2 hitam sampai penuh perut, to very2 light and only sikit je lagiii.. hebat laa tuu!!!! Tak payah dahhh pi buat laser treatment ke.. cosmetic surgery ke… jimat woooo :) :) :) ..

So ini lah dia kakak kesayangan Ina yg telah pun dalam business ni selama setahun 4 bulan and now she's earning almost 35K monthly....!!!! This pic was taken after 10 months of wearing PB.... now she is waayyy more curvy then in this pic...!! ;)

yeahhh....tauu...mesti korang mcm...hurrrmmm, besar je?? betul ke PB ni effect bagus sgt???
haaaaa.....cube korang tgk betul2 pic taken betul2 before she wears the PB corset......
jeng jeng jeng..........

tu diaaaaa........!!!!!!!!! 

now............DO U BELIEVE ME & PB......??? :p

effect PB ni pada Ina is....

1. MIGRAIN DAH TAK ADA...!!!!! weeee :D


this pic was taken during Aidilfitri 2010 about 3-4months b4 pakai PB...

after 5 months of wearing PB constantly.... I've transformed into this.......

i look slimmer yet curvier than before...!! harusla kan....lagipun nak kawin da nnti bulan 11....kena la pandai jaga badan ;)


4. BUANG KEKOTORAN DARI VAGINA (1 week kena keputihan sebab PB ni bantu buang yg kotor2) ;)

alhamdulillah.......mmg akhirnya Ina percaya dengan 'kecantikan' PB ni.......coz i've experience it myself!!

sebab tu after pakai je PB for about 3 months...i decided to join the biz with my sis coz I BELIEVE IN THE PRODUCT... :)

so kawan2........

make your right choice.....WEAR PB...!!!!!!!!!!

if beli before end of april....there's a maaaadddd promotion waiting for u...!!!!!

so wait no me now to get your own set of PB...!!

ADLINA 017-2841828

until then......BEAUTIFUL WITH ADLINA...!!


Anonymous said... aku mula tertarik plak.bpe harganya.mesti mahal ni-->eimyPD

Adlina Hizan said...

Eimy: lame x jmpe ko..!! :) xde la mahal bile kita tgk kualiti & benefits PB, bole buat installment dgn low as RM200 per month! kalau ko nak, gtau cpat, sbb promo ni smpai end of april je tau...da ramai place order ni, limited sets left..babe! huhu :)