
Monday, April 18, 2011

My 1st PB Income Celebration @ TGIF with Dearest Fiancée !

mmg dah lamaaaa sgt2 tak belanja En. Tunang Ina makan.....slalu nye asyik dia aje blanje Ina...hehehehehe

so bile dapat 1st income dari PB biz ni, awal2 lagi da cakap kt die Jumaat nnti gi makan TGIF....and of course lah die x menolak kn....:)

Memandangkan 1st income hari tu, alhamdulillah Ina dapat around RM5,000++ (mmg syukur tak terhingga...), Ina dah berjaya buat:

1. Tutup 1 credit card (before ni ade 3..huhu)

2. Settle hutang Mama...(bayangkan nak survive bulan2 guna duit gaji x cukup sampai kena pinjam parents....maaluuuuuu)

3. Simpan dalam ASB setelah hampir setahun lebih tak menabung dalam tuu....makin kurang adelahh.....hehehehehe ;p

4. Belanja En. Halid a.k.a. En. Tunang Ina makan TGIF (seronok gilerrrrr)

Just imagine, baru sebulan....... :D

kalau setahun...mcmana yer...? 
INSYAALLAH....mudah2an dapatlah income mcm kakak Ina dapat....

35 K monthly, babe...!!!
(jelesss.....tak sabar nak rasa income byk tuhh...)

Few pics from dinner @ TGIF Wangsa Walk...

Bakal suami (insyaAllah bulan 11 tahun nie..hehe) tersengih sebab bukan selalu tunang dia nak belanja ;p

Me with a hungry face...! hahaha ;p

 My favouriter appetizer....everytime dine in kt TGIF mesti order..hehe
d famous THREE FOR ALL ! yummy! :D

My main course menu....TENNESSE CHICKEN..!! serious sedaapppp :D

He loves lamb..!! Sebab tu mmg dah agak dia akan order this Grilled Lamb :D

Three for All......anyone??? :)

After half and hour...all d plates are still half full...!!
 (almaklumla, masing2 perut kecik tapi selera besar) :D

mine tinggal seketul comel jerkk....tapi vege mmg kurang sukeeeee...heeee :")

our appetizer pn banyak lagii...tapi ni bukan salah kami, 
diorg serve both appetizer and main course at d same time....! mane boleh gituu.....huhuhuhuhu

sisa kambing yang tinggal....hehehehehe

 owhhh....meoowww ini sangat cuteeee okaayyy!!!!! mata macam puss-in-boot dlm SHREK!! comell!!!

can FRIDAY comes TWICE in a WEEK...??? weeeeee :D

 our desserts...fully FOC given by the bartender that serve us... :)
mmg saaangggaaattt yummylicious look..!!

sangat sedap! sangat sedap! snickers in thick caramel choc....damn yummyy!!!!

heee......tak tahan tgk mata die....tu yg few snaps pic die aje!! kitorg bagi dia makan chicken...:D

 punnnnn sgt sedap!!!!

here comes the bill.........TOTAL??

Let it be our lil secret. :)

Until then,



aLID said...

Tenkiu syg for the lovely treats on last Friday.owhh Thanks God Its Friday..

Adlina Hizan said...

aLID a.k.a. Bi : welcome syg...wanna repeat this Friday? hahaha :)

Anonymous said...

this one static income ke u have to find more people to get this income every month? once no one wants to join, then ur income pun stop right?

Adlina Hizan said...

Anonymous: income does not only generate from there dear one, but also from selling the PB...and I see the beautiful of this biz is that it follows Syariah insyaAllah rezeki halal ni sentiasa ada, IF WE BELIEVE ! ;)